Coconut peat has some wonderful physical properties that greatly benefit plant growth. Thanks to the special characteristics of coco substrate CANNA COCO doesn’t have a Vega and Flores variant. Canna has been making grow medium, and grow nutrients since the early nineties. (Fig B) It is equally important to water correctly. As a result many soilless growers initially experienced problems with coco they didn’t understand. figure 5: young cucumber crop being grown in high quality coco. CANNA Coco A & B is a complete professional nutrient for growing plants in coco. Often, piles of coir dust were not left to decompose sufficiently and the resulting coco had a high nitrogen draw down index, this meant that under soilless cultivation, even with well balanced nutrients, nitrogen deficiencies in the early stages of growth were common. Acta Hort 450: 21-29. Prasad M, 1997. Growing in coco tips Controlling the decomposition process, adding the correct nutrient buffer to adjust the ratio, feeding the plants the correct ratio of nutrients to offset the coco ‘release’ will produce the perfect growing conditions. Coco peat holds about 33 % more moisture then similar grades of peat based mediums if it is in good structure, but, because a great amount of this is tucked away in the micro-pores, the medium can look dry but still be plenty wet. This is known as antagonisms, where one element in a large amount will decrease availability of another where it is in a smaller amount. The coco slab only needs to be placed in position, slits cut in the plastic sleeve and water poured in – the coco expands and can be planted out with no further effort. Finally, the pH of the medium, when buffered and controlled, remains constant pretty much throughout its useful life. The thinking then was that it had too many issues to use as a straight mix but did have some interesting side results when used as a fraction in a potting mix, or as a soil amendment to improve soil structure. This results in a totally renewable and biodegradable medium that resists compaction. These are the basic building blocks of any nutrient line. figure 6: finer grades of coco can be used to germinate seeds and raise seedlings. make sure to keep ur coco moist. There are many different types of coco products on the market. The problem is still that the rate of salt given off remains high at this perfect point. All this is done without steam sterilizing, which resulted in other beneficial consequences. i highly recommend the whole House and Garden Coco line with the addition of drip clean to prevent toxic salt buildups. Step-by-Step Grow Cannabis Coco Coir Tutorial 1.) Plants thrive in coco when everything is right. The fertilizers came about as a result of years of research into potting mixes, leaf analysis, and drainage. Growing in Coco Coir forum at International Cannagraphic Magazine. Now it has exploded onto the scene in all manner of use from fraction to complete; but what are we dealing with and why such a delay in its acceptance into the general market? The pH stays correct and only the structure changes limiting the useful period. Our focus is growing in coco coir. While a high moisture holding content in fine coco dust is an advantage in some situations, it can create problems with over saturation of the root zone. Regardless of the media you grow in, or whether you are brand new or have been growing for years, Coco for Cannabis is your cannabis grow guide! Harvested coconuts are first soaked in water, a process termed `retting’ which makes the fibre easier to remove. The structure remains intact, the Potassium release remains a known variable, and the product is still delivered free from weeds, insects, disease and other soil borne problems. Besides … Peppers, cucumbers, thyme, and tomato on coco. This makes them very popular, and one of the best nutrients for growing cannabis in coco. Thanks to the special characteristics of coco substrate CANNA COCO doesn’t have a Vega and Flores variant. When you are watering coco, it should still be moist from the previous watering. (Fig E) CANNA COCO nutrients (and COGr) are designed to work with the exact properties of CANNA Buffered COCO (and COGr board). All usable nutrients become available to the plants internal processes as ions, or charged atoms or functional groups like nitrate. Despite the disturbing logo … Loose coco placed into growing pots or containers can be easily inspected for moisture level by checking the appearance of the top of the substrate or by feeling the moisture level of the coco just below the surface, this is more difficult in wrapped coco grow slabs. Correctly this is done by weight and yes it does change with time, root mass, humidity, temperature and growers temperament (thumb on scale syndrome). Fig D2 : Spicy Globe Basil crop in CANNA Buffered Coco using CANNA Coco A/B nutrients. In a solution with other ions, and no controls, they still combine or associate with other ions of opposite charge. CANNA COCO is a line of nutrients and substrates which are specially developed for growing plants in coco. To start, the physical characteristics of coco is unique in that it changes it’s physical and chemical characteristics dramatically over time. It is not necessary to water with CANNA Coco in advance of planting. Here you can find all the information about growing. Instead, there is one unique formulation for both the growth and blooming phase. However, high quality horticultural coco is now recognised as a superior growth media for soilless crops on both a small and commercial scale and many of the initial problems have been overcome by correct processing of the raw product and adjustment or pre treatment before packaging. Hey, so this is how I water my marijuana plants that are growing in coco. figure 3: The optimum physical structure of coco means that crops are provided with high levels of oxygenation and moisture in the root zone. When decomposition occurs, these salts come out in very high amounts, especially Potassium, the most prevalent element found as an ion (salt). Once the medium establishes a buffer, which it will do based on the nutrients it sees right or wrong; the grower can wipe this out by applying plain water to the medium. (Fig D-1, 2) There is one company that provides all the right components, CANNA. Avoiding errors is essential. This, of course, magnifies the problem and it gets worse. The best coco coir nutrients. They began controlling the product from harvest, through treatment, and into giant concrete bunkers to age to the exact level needed, then buffered, packaged and delivered to the market. Growing marijuana in coco coir is a fantastic alternative cultivation style. These represent your "Grow" and "Bloom" nutrient as referred to in most nutrient line up. Canna Coco are fertilizers that provide nutrients that promote the growing and flowering of plants in coco coir. Besides the regular CANNA COCO line there is also CANNA COGr. Many grades of horticultural coco exist and some have been specifically designed for different plants and systems. To begin, it is renewable so no stripping of natures resources. Coco is especially suited for growing cannabis because: It is difficult to over-water when growing cannabis in a coco-perlite mix. (Fig A-1), Fig A2: Blocks the passage of almost everything else. These days good quality coco has proven to be a superior growth substrate for a large number of different crops, with the advantage of being from a renewable and environmentally sound resource. By subscribing you agree that this newsletter is intended for USA residents only. This sounds like common sense but actually catches quite a lot of people out! Additionally, the process of harvesting the fibers also increase EC levels because the coconut husks are first soaked in seawater (the most abundant water supply close to where coconuts grow), which imparts its salts into all the pores of the coconut material. It contains all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering. Besides … Fig A1: The effect of the plant cell semi-permeable membrane; it allows water to move from an area  of higher concentration to one of lower concentration. Canna Coco A & B . Seawater has a high EC, or Electrical Conductivity, which is a measure of how concentrated the salt level is. Structural problems are, however, a small part of the issue. Fig E : Change in nutrient concentration affects growth at the top and bottom of the plant, Marigold, var. Physical and chemical properties of coir dust. Coco or coir is the outside layer of coconut husks (or mesocarp) which consists mainly of coarse fibres but also finer material known as 'coir dust'. The coco peat itself is fairly pH stable and buffers the pH well, in a very acceptable range for plant growth. High quality coco substrates on the market for soilless cropping have often been specifically processed for this use right from the point of removal from the coconuts, through to preconditioning, buffering and pre treatment. This company is loved by many cannabis growers and has received great reviews from many growers all … Fig D1 : The numbers of different crops that can be successfully produced on coco is huge. Fig C2 : The Feel Test: feels cool and damp. Besides the regular CANNA COCO line there is also CANNA COGr. Worldwide coco is used for soilless crops such as tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, melons, aubergines, ornamentals, cut flowers and many others because the structure of the coco does not break down over the time frame these longer term crops are grown for. The medium hangs on to nothing and will readily flush away its nutrients; then the plant will suffer until the buffer is restored. The very fine particle size of coir dust retains a high level of moisture and this is suited to seed raising and for smaller seedlings and plants. when i was growing in coco i watered every day practically and fed nearly just as much. Water moves from an area of low EC to an area of higher EC in an attempt to balance out or achieve equilibrium; where a semi-permeable membrane isolates the two solutions, only certain elements or molecules can cross, typically a water molecule or smaller (selectively permeable), through the process of Osmosis. At the right point in decomposition, the coco peat can be used as a stand-alone medium with no need to add perlite or other persistent amendments. 2.) Moisture should be present when the coco is squeezed between the fingers but the surface of the … Canna Coco. Usually the longer coarser fibres are removed for other uses while the coir pith then undergoes further processing and decomposition which makes it more suitable as a plant growth medium. While they are fairly solid and big early on, once the peat particles are treated and decomposed to a certain point, they are like sponges with micro-pores that hold water, away from the plant root but available to replenish the larger pores the plant root can access. All of their products are scientifically tested, in their own medium. Like all its product lines, CANNA believes in the complete package concept. CANNA Coco Range. The first coco cultivation product line was CANNA's coco line. The medium sets its pH at between 5.2 and 6.2, perfect range, and will hold it there. In my travels and correspondence around the world, I find much confusion centered on the use of coconut husk litter, commonly known (after aging) as coco peat or mulch, in crop production. That is great for a start, but to complete a crop, it is critical that the correct nutrients be used as well. Cannabis plants grown in coco tend to do well when they’re getting water every 1-2 days. (Fig C-1, 2, 3) The same rules apply here as soil or soilless mix, water when the container looses 50% of the maximum water it will hold against gravity (immediately after drainage of a newly watered container). CANNA coco coir is triple-washed, buffered, and ph-neutral, just like good coco should be. There is a fairly short period from this point that the coco peat is usable in container plant production. Most nutrients on the market deliver extra Ca and Mg for coco coir growing. Nowadays it's the most popular growing product line for both professionals and hobbyists. Dwarf Bolero. CANNA COCO was the first cultivation product line for coco. The key in all this is to decompose the particle to the perfect point to achieve this. (Fig A-2) In typical soils and container mixes, fertilized at recommended levels, the EC of the root zone moisture (which includes nutrients [salts]) is lower than the internal EC of the root cells, allowing water to move, or diffuse, across the barrier membranes. Harvested coconuts are first soaked in water, a process termed 'retting' which makes the fibre easier to remove. You will use Canna A and Canna B in equal parts throughout your entire grow in both veg and bloom phases. So, we see that by controlling the aging process, using the correct ratio of nutrients, using the correct composition of nutrients, and pre-buffering the coco peat, growers can anticipate getting the perfect medium, correctly balanced, correctly composed, with good porosity, a water buffer, and a lot less headaches then peat based soilless mix products. coco will drain and dry up very quickly and when it dries it creates lockouts. Some of this will be unavailable to your plants. Instead, there is one unique formulation for both the growth and blooming phase. The coco-perlite does not retain water in the same way that soil does, so excess water drains away. Coco fibre is also the term often used to refer to the general purpose grade of coco which is ideal for growing longer term crops under soilless cultivation. Always use fertilizer when you water coco that a plant is actively growing in, at least at about EC=0.6 mS/cm3. Coco can hold onto masses of nutrient salts. Fig C1: The Feel Test: looks like time to water. Canna Coco is another popular company for cannabis plant growers. CANNA COCO is a line of nutrients and substrates which are specially developed for growing plants in coco. However in the early days of experimentation with coco growing substrates many problems were found due to inconsistency of the product. figure 2: Coco propagation blocks being used to raise cucumber seedlings. Suppliers of high grade coco also carry out regular testing of their product to check for any irregularities in supply and to correct for these. Acta Hort. Consider coco as needing to be ‘fed’ along with the plants. In addition, the availability of the nutrients present is affected on a changing scale along with continuing decomposition. CANNA COCO has a high but relative Cation-exchange capacity (CEC). figure 4: Coco is available in a range of grades from very coarse 'orchid fibre' seen here, to fine 'coco dust'. The effect works the other way when Calcium increases, potassium availability decreases. You want to water everyday, unlike soil because coco is a hydroponics media. The advantage of coco bricks is that once expanded the media can be used to fill any size or shape of growing bed, pot or bag, the disadvantage is that a time is required for the media to fully expand and some labour is needed to fill the growing plots. Fox Farms Coco Nutrient Trio. The key to proper coco growing is to use the right feed to balance the products the coco gives off, not just availability, but ratio of one to another mineral as well. Even when fed correctly, and the correct ‘buffer’ of nutrient ratio sets up, just one (1) watering with plain water will wreak the buffer sending the plant and medium into shock, rapidly escalating the potassium level. Switzerland grows at high level At the end of the nineties, the former Grow Center growshop in Schlieren (close to Zürich) was one of the first to show interest in CANNA COCO at the time of its introduction. Fig B: Buffers work to balance out the give and take of elements in the medium. The Coco growing ‘system’, medium and nutrient line up, were engineered through years of in-house research and countless field tests to provide the correct growing solution, the exact composition and concentration of all the things required for using coco as a growing medium. Many coconut sources were retted in seawater and contaminated with very high levels of sodium and unpredictable levels of naturally occurring potassium. This will hold the balance or ratio of the nutrients to each other and insure that the plant gets exactly what it needs. Coco also comes in a range of different products – from small to large compressed `bricks’ to `grow slabs’ to pre expanded ready to use, bagged product. To make sure your plants get enough to feed on, you need to pre-soak your coco media before planting on.. To pre-soak your coco media, apply a 3/4 to full strength feed until run off* appears. 2.) For even more info on CANNA COCO, get the COCO leaflet or COCO InfoPaper at your favorite gardening store or check out the Grow Guide. Germinate seeds in fresh Rapid Rooters . 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